Professor of Soil Science at the University of the Free State
Title of the Talk: Enhancing Hydrological Models with Hydropedological Approaches for Improved Catchment Process Representation
Johan van Tol is a full Professor of Soil Science at the University of the Free State, where he teaches soil classification and soil genesis. He currently serves as the President of the Soil Science Society of South Africa and chairs the Division of Hydropedology within the International Union of Soil Sciences. His research focuses on the interplay between soils and hydrology (hydropedology) at scales ranging from individual sites to entire catchments. This work has been pivotal in incorporating hydropedology into national water management policy. He has led several national and internationally funded projects on hydropedology, digital soil mapping, carbon mapping, and soil restoration activities. He is also actively involved in the private sector as through soil consultancy services to public and private enterprises.