Title of talk: “Groundwater: bringing resilience to tackle global climate change problems in cities “

Professor Ricardo Hirata
DSc, MSc, PGeo Full Professor: Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo Director CEPAS|USP: Groundwater Research Center Vice-President of Brazilian Groundwater Association – ABAS FAPESP Geosciences Area Coordinator Chair of the Scientific Committee of IAH2020/2021 Congress in Brazil
Ricardo Hirata is a Full Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) and Director at CEPAS|USP (Groundwater Research Center). He is a Geologist, with MSc and DSc (University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil) and Post Doctorate (University of Waterloo, Canada); former member of the Groundwater Management Advisory Team of The World Bank (GW-MATE); adviser for IAEA and UNESCO; and visiting professor at universities of Costa Rica and Calgary (Canada). He also has more than 36-year experience working intensively in more than 25 countries in areas that include groundwater contamination and development and water resource protection policy.